Visit our Youtube Channel to learn Leej Niam’s teaching.
Mus kawm Leej Niam tus txuj qhia peb Hmoob ua neeg tsim txiaj nyob rau hauv peb Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam Youtube Channel.
Welcome and thank you for visiting Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam’s website!
Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam is a faith-based organization under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our belief in Leej Niam (Our Mother) is rooted in her teachings of love, care, and kindness to all living beings; to hold moral values and ethical principles; to preserve and protect the earth; to develop a peaceful and loving community to live in; and the belief that the persons who give us life love us the most and the persons who we give life to, we love the most.
We were able to purchase 170 acres of property in Oroville, California for the development of Leej Niam’s Temple and her community. We are raising funds for the development, which will cost at least 15 to 20 million dollars. The Temple will be Leej Niam’s home and a place where individuals who believe in Leej Niam may come to worship, ask for Leej Niam’s blessing, and learn Leej Niam’s teachings. The community will be developed for individuals who believe in Leej Niam, practice the teachings of Leej Niam, and want to live a peaceful and productive life. You can click on Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj to learn about our activities and progress on the temple and community and click on Niam Ntuj Kev Theej Keeb Sim to learn about Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam.
While you are here, please consider supporting Leej Niam and donate today by clicking on the Donate button above. Your donation will be used for the development of Leej Niam’s Temple and her community. Our Mother and her children greatly appreciate your support, and you will leave a legacy for Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam and the world.
Thank you and may Leej Niam bless you.
Cheuyengther Xiong, Ed. D.